H3A will offer two writing circles for those who want to write in English or Turkish, following the guidelines of AWA (www.amherstwriters.com).

“AWA is an international community committed to the belief that a writer is someone who writes and that every writer has a unique voice.
AWA trains writers to become workshop leaders… (who) affirm that commitment in every AWA workshop,
with novice writers who… (may) believe they have no voice and with experienced writers who want to hone their craft.”

In the words of Pat Schneider, founder of AWA, “Whether your purpose is artistic expression, communication with friends and family, the healing of inner life,
or achieving public recognition for your art – the foundation is the same:
the claiming of yourself as an artist/writer and the strengthening of your writing voice through practice, study,
and helpful (as opposed to damaging) communication with others…
‘A writer is someone who writes,’ wrote William Stafford… Every one of us is a writer. You are a writer.
You are an artist. Accept it, celebrate it, and practise it for the rest of your life.”

A writing workshop led by an AWA-trained leader is a safe, respectful environment where writing can develop as art. AWA writers:

  • Write in workshop for 10-20 minutes, in response to a variety of exercises
  • Read to each other what they have just written, when they choose to do so
  • Honour one another’s writing by listening deeply, giving each writer full attention; and
  • Respond to one another’s work by emphasizing what is strong and stays with us.

English Writing Circle (Twice a Month, Mondays at 14:00 – Gürece)

Contact Martha Patrick: mkspatrick@gmail.com

Turkish Writing Circle (Twice a Month, Mondays at 14:00 – Gürece)

Contact Filiz Yazıcılar:  filizyzc3@gmail.com