Poetry Group

The poetry group meets at variable times outside Gürece. Poetry lovers introduce their favorite poets and poems are read. His poetry repertoire is getting richer.

For information:
Sönmez Taner Phone: +90 532 615 09 70
Emel Haliyo: emelhal@gmail.com

Turkish Reading Group 

Contact Ludmila Denisenko: ludmila@ttmail.com

English Reading Group

Contact Martha and Bob Patrick:  rcpatrick5443@gmail.com

İstanbul Readings (Every second Tuesdays at 11:00 – Gürece)

Contact Güldal Altuner 0532 364 81 41

Carian Readings (2nd Saturday of every month at 14:00-16:00 / Gürece)

Contact Canan Küçükeren 0542 241 90 70