A club for those who love to cook and eat.

Cooking and table gatherings are important moments in our lives.

It means so much more when you cook with friends with whom you share a common denominator of culinary culture!

Eating the cooked food all together at a large table is the climax !

Program and Content:

In the Cook & Eat WhatsApp group, everything related to food, kitchen, and table topics is shared.

We meet at least once a month on Sundays in a member’s kitchen. Meals are cooked together according to the preplanned concept and menu.

After the common cooking session, the long table is set and the food is enjoyed all together. The ingredients’ cost is shared among the participants.

Recipes, photos, and videos are archived in the group.

Would you like to join us in this adventure?..

For Information and Participation: Esin Aytaçoğlu

Phone: 0542 561 02 46

e-mail: eaytacoglu@hotmail.com

H3A Pişir&Ye / Cook&Eat