Directions to H3A in Gürece:

Coming from Bodrum, several hundred metres after passing the leaving Yahşi sign, there is a light and left turn towards Bağla and Akyarlar. Take this left turn. If travelling from Bodrum by dolmuş, take a dolmuş going to Turgutreis, Bağla, Gümüşlük, or Dereköy etc. Coming from Turgutreis, take the right turn at the light at the Bağla and Akyarlar sign. A few metres after leaving the main road, you will see the tea house on the right.  Turn left here and the building is on the right, next to a hardware store and opposite a ferforje. It is a small, white, single story house with yellow window frames. There is an H3A sign on the door. Above the door it says Gürece Yerel Derneği Odası.