Name and Headquarters of the Association
Article 1- Name of the Association: “Herodotus Third Age Academy.
Headquarters: Bodrum. The association is authorized to establish branches in
Turkey and abroad.
Article 2- Objective of the Association:
The Herodotus Third Age Academy has been established with the aim of social and cultural
binding of locals and foreigners living in the Bodrum region by participating together in
educational and cultural activities.
The Subjects Of The Activities Targeted to Realize This Objective:
1- Meeting the needs of local Turkish and foreign adults for education, information and
information sharing without the requirement for any kind of an official document such as a
certificate or a diploma, solely for the purpose of fulfilling their wish to learn and to socialize.
2- Organizing educational activities such as courses, seminars, presentations and
panels; cooperating with universities and educational institutions; recruiting artists, scientists,
academicians, diplomats, managers and qualified people as potentials for the activities of the
3- Binding people from diverse nationalities living in Bodrum and providing them
information regarding Turkish history, culture and art.
4- With the knowledge that Bodrum Peninsula constitutes an endless source of still
unexplored and unappraised cultural assets, contributing to having these brought to light and to
be promoted across the world.
5- Conducting studies for the development of cultural projects, having these studies made
or supporting the ongoing studies.
6- Evaluating the available surveys and studies regarding the natural and social
environment and supporting new researches.
7- Contributing to the preservation of nature and natural and cultural resources directly or
indirectly through work on education, research, project and implementation. Working against
elements that harm the ecological system. Carrying out works or studies to preserve
biological diversity and the sustainable usage of natural resources. Promoting and
popularising the natural and cultural assets, spreading awareness of nature and protection of
environment, working to draw public attention to issues regarding nature, organizing activities
that are held in natural surroundings.
8- Obtaining all kinds of information, documentation and publication for the realization of
the objective; establishing a documentation centre and a library, publishing newspapers,
magazines, books and bulletins in line with the objective to announce the work; shooting videos
and films; establishing studios; utilizing the internet and other audio-visual means.
9- Arranging a healthy work environment for the realization of the objective; providing all
kinds of technical equipment and tools, fixed assets, educational tools and stationary.
10- Carrying out fund raising activities provided that the required permits are obtained,
receiving donations from Turkey and abroad, providing sponsor support.
11- Establishing financial, commercial and industrial enterprises with the purpose of
achieving the income needed to realize the objective of the statute and to operate them;
organizing sales markets and fairs.
12- Opening a venue for the benefit and recreation of the members, establishing social
and cultural facilities and operating them.
13-Organizing lunches, dinners, concerts, plays, exhibitions, sports competitions, tours
and entertainment activities etc. to develop and maintain social interaction between the
members and the targeted groups or making arrangements so that the members benefit from
such activities.
14- Organizing social educational practices such as plays, concerts and art courses.
15- Purchasing, selling, leasing or renting out property and assets that are needed for the
activities of the association and establishing real right on real estates.
16- Establishing a foundation, a federation or joining an already established federation,
establishing institutions that are allowed for associations by obtaining the required permits in the
event it is deemed necessary for the realization of the objective.
17- Participating in international activities, becoming members of foreign associations or
institutions and collaborating with them, cooperating in project based work and studies and
providing mutual help.
18- Receiving financial help from associations and professional organisations with similar
goals for the purpose of realizing the objective of the association or providing financial help to
the above mentioned institutions.
19- In case it is deemed necessary for the realization of the objective, collaborating with
state institutions and organizations in common projects within their areas of responsibility,
reserving the rights of the provisions of Law No: 5072 related with The Relations of Associations
and Foundations with State institutions and Organizations.
20- Opening branches and agencies where it is considered to be necessary.
21- Creating mutual platforms to achieve mutual goals with other associations or
foundations, syndicates and similar non-governmental organizations in areas related with the
objective of the association and not forbidden by the regulations.
22- Opening current and time deposit accounts at banks for the purposes of realizing the
objective of the association, receiving and giving letters of guarantee, carrying out leasing and
credit transactions.
Scope of the activities of the Association
The association functions in the sphere of social and cultural activities.
Article 3- Right for Membership and Membership Procedures
All persons and legal entities with legal capacity who embrace the objectives and the principles
of the association and accept to work in this direction and who fulfil the statutory conditions have
the right to be a member of this association. However, foreign real people are required to have a
residence permit in Turkey. This condition is not valid for honorary membership.
The written membership application addressed to the president of the association is either
accepted or rejected by the board of directors within latest thirty days and the result is informed
to the application owner in writing. The member whose application has been accepted is
registered in the registration book.
The full members of the association are the founders and those who have been accepted for
membership by the board of directors upon their application. The full members have a right to
vote and stand for election in all organs of the association and they have the obligation to pay
an entrance fee and an annual membership fee.
Persons who have provided the association with significant moral and financial support may be
accepted as honorary members with the decision of the board of directors. Honorary members
do not have any obligation of paying any entrance or annual membership fee and they do not
have the right to vote or stand for election in any of the organs of the association.
National or foreign real people who do not reside in Bodrum full time may be accepted as
visiting members upon the decision of the board of directors. Visiting members pay only the
annual membership fee; they do not have the right to vote or to stand for election for the
association organs.
In the event that a new branch of the association is opened, the membership registrations of
those members registered at the headquarters of the association whose domicile is in the area
of the branch are transferred to the branch. New membership applications are made to the
branch. Procedures for accepting a new member or cancelling a membership are carried out by
the branch board of directors and are reported in writing to the Headquarters within latest thirty
Article 4-Resigning from Membership:
Every member has the right to resign from the association provided that the resignation is
handed in writing.
When the resignation notice reaches the board of directors, the discharge procedures are
deemed as being finalized. Resignation from membership does not terminate the obligation of
the member for accumulated debt to the association.
Article 5-Getting discharged from Membership:
Circumstances that require the discharge of a member from the association.
1-Conduct that is contrary to the articles of the Statute,
2-Constant avoidance of responsibility or duty,
3-Not paying the annual membership fee within six months
despite written notices,
4-Not abiding by the decisions taken by the association organs,
5-Having lost the conditions of being a member,
In the event that one of the above cases is ascertained, the member can be discharged upon
the decision of the board of directors. The registrations of members who are discharged or
resign from membership are deleted from the member registration book and they cannot claim
any right on the association assets.
Article 6- Association Organs
The association organs are the following.
1- General Assembly,
2- Board of Directors,
3-Board of Auditors,
Article 7-Establishing the Association Board of Directors, Time of Meeting, Method of
Convocation and of Meeting:
The General Assembly is the organ with the highest authority for decisions. It is made up of
registered association members, natural representatives of the branch and representatives
elected by registered branch members.
The General Assembly meets;
1- Ordinarily at the time specified in this statute,
2- Extraordinarily within thirty days in the event the Board of Directors or Board of Auditors
deem it necessary or upon the written request of one fifth of the association members.
The Ordinary General Assembly meets once in two years in the month of April at a place, date
and time to be determined by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors calls the General Assembly for a meeting.
In the event the Board of Directors does not call the general assembly for a meeting, upon the
request of one of the members, the magistrate assigns three members to call the general
assembly to a meeting.
Method of Convocation
The board of directors prepares a list of the members that have a right to attend the general
assembly according to the statute of the association. Members with a right to attend the general
assembly are called to the meeting by a notice published in a newspaper stating the date, hour
and place of the meeting at least fifteen days in advance or by written notice though mail or
email. In the event the meeting cannot be held due to lack of majority, the date, hour and place
of the second meeting to be held is also mentioned in the notice. The period between the first
and second meeting cannot be less than seven or more than sixty days.
In case the meeting is postponed due to a reason other than lack of majority, this is announced
to the members using the same method of convocation for the first meeting, specifying the
reasons for the postponement. It is imperative that the second meeting is held latest withing six
months after the postponement date. The members are called to the second meeting as per the
provisions indicated in the first paragraph. The General Assembly meeting cannot be postponed
more than once.
Method of Meeting
The General Assembly meets with the participation of the majority of members with a right to
join the meeting. In cases of changes to be made to the statute or the dissolution of the
association, the meeting is held with the participation of two thirds of the members. In case the
meeting is postponed due to lack of majority, majority is not required in the second meeting.
However, the number of members participating in the meeting cannot be less than twice the
number of the members that make up the board of directors and board of auditors.
The list of the members with a right to participate in the General Assembly is made available at
the place of the meeting. The official identity documents of the members entering the meeting
place are checked by the members of the board of directors or by representatives who are
assigned this duty by the board of directors. The members enter the meeting place by signing
the space across their name on the list prepared by the board of directors.
If a quorum for the meeting is achieved, this is recorded in the minutes and the meeting is
started by the chairman of the board of directors or a member of the board of directors assigned
by the chairman. In the event a quorum is not present, an official report is prepared by the
board of directors.
After the opening, a council committee to conduct the meeting is formed by electing a council
chairman, an adequate number of deputies and a scribe.
During the voting for the election of association organs, it is obligatory for the voting members to
show their identities to the council committee and to sign the spaces across their names on the
The responsibility to safely conduct the meeting rests with the council chairman.
Only the items of the agenda are discussed in the General Assembly. However, subjects with a
written request for discussion by one tenth of the members present at the meeting have to be
included in the agenda.
In the General Assembly each member has one voting right. The member has to use the voting
right in person. Honorary members can join the general assembly meetings; however, they are
not allowed to vote. In the event a corporate body is a member, the chairman of the board of
the corporation or the person assigned to represent him votes.
The items discussed and the decisions taken are recorded in the minutes of the meeting and
are signed by the council chairman and the secretaries. The minutes and all other documents
are handed over to the chairman of the board of directors at the end of the meeting. The
chairman of the board of directors is responsible for the safekeeping of these documents and for
handing them over to the new board of directors within seven days.
Article 8-The Method and Ways of Voting and Decision Making at the General Assembly:
At the General Assembly, unless otherwise agreed upon, the election of the members of the
board of directors and the board of auditors is held by secret vote and the decisions on other
items are taken by open vote. The secret votes are given on pieces of paper stamped by the
chairman of the meeting or on ballot papers and are collected in an empty container. At the end
of the voting they are openly counted.
In the case of open voting, the method is determined by the chairman of the general assembly.
The decisions of the General Assembly are taken by the absolute majority vote of the members
that have attended the meeting, in so far as the decisions taken regarding changes in the
statute and the dissolution of the association can only be taken with the majority vote of two
thirds of the attendants.
Decisions taken without a Meeting or a Convocation
Decisions taken by written consent of all members without meeting and decisions taken when
all members of the association meet without using the written method of convocation stated in
this statute are valid. This method of taking decisions does no substitute a General Assembly.
Article 9-The Duties and Authorities of the General Assembly
The following points are discussed and decided at the General Assembly.
1- Election of Association Organs,
2- Changing of Association Statute,
3- Discussion of the reports of the board of directors and auditors and the release of the
board of directors,
4- Discussion of the budget prepared by the board of directors and approval of the budget
as it is or with changes,
5- Validating the other organs of the association and discharging them with justification if
deemed necessary,
6- Examining and resolving the appeals against the decisions of the board of directors
regarding a refusal of membership or discharge from membership,
7- Purchasing the required real property or authorising the board of directors to sell the
existing real property,
8- Examining the regulations prepared by the board of directors related with the work of the
association and approving them as they are or with changes,
9- Determining all kinds of appropriations, travel allowances and compensations to be paid
to the chairman or members of the board of directors and board of auditors who are not public
officers; determining the daily fees and travel allowances to be paid to association members
appointed for services to the association,
10- Deciding on the association’s joining a federation or leaving a federation,
11- Deciding on opening branches of the association and authorising the board of directors
to carry out operations related with the branch to be opened,
12- Participation of the association in international activities, becoming member of foreign
associations and institutions or resigning from these institutions,
13- Forming of a foundation for the association,
14-Annulment of the association,
15- Examining the other propositions of the board of directors and resolving them
16- Being the most authorized organ of the association, dealing with matters that have not
been handled by another organ of the association and using its power,
17- Determining the amount of entrance and annual fees of the association.
17-Performing other duties that have been specified for the General Assembly in the
Article 10-Forming the Board of Directors, Duties and Authorities
Nine original and nine substitute members are elected for the Board of Directors by the general
The Board of Directors designates its chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer and
members at its first meeting after the election.
The Board of Directors can be called for a meeting at any time provided that notice has been
sent to all members and meets when five members are present. Decisions are taken with the
absolute majority of the number of members. In the event the votes are even, the vote of the
chairman is counted as two.
In case there is an opening in the original membership of the Board of Directors due to
resignation or any other reason, the substitutes have to be called to duty in the order of the
number of votes they gained in the general assembly.
Duties and Authorities of the Board of Directors
The Board of directors executes the following.
1- Representing the association or giving authority to one of its members or a third party for
on this matter,
2- Carrying out the transactions regarding income and expenses, preparing the budget for
the next term and presenting it to the general assembly,
3- Planning the regulations regarding the work of the association and submitting them to the
approval of the general assembly,
4- Purchasing real property with the authority given by the general assembly, selling real
and immovable property belonging to the association, having buildings or facilities built, drawing
up lease contracts, establishing pledge, mortgage or real rights in favour of the association,
5- Executing the procedures related with the opening of a branch under the authority of the
General assembly.
6-Having the branches of the association audited,
7-Opening representative offices at places deemed necessary,
8-Executing the decisions taken at the general assembly,
9- At the end of each year of operation, preparing a report to inform the operating account
or balance sheet and income statement together with the work done by the board of directors
and to submit this report to the General Assembly when it meets,
10- Implementing the budget,
11- Deciding on the acceptance or discharge of members,
12- Taking all kinds of decisions with the goal of realizing the objectives of the association
and implementing them,
13- Carrying out all other duties imposed by the regulations and using the authorities given,
Forming the Board of Auditors, Duties and Authorities
Article 11- Three original and three substitute members are elected for the Board of Auditors by
the general assembly.
In case there is an opening in the original membership of the Board of Auditors due to
resignation or any other reason, the substitutes have to be called to duty in the order of the
number of votes they gained in the general assembly.
Duties and Authorities of the Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors audits the association periodically within intervals not exceeding one year
in accordance with the basis and procedures stated in the statute. It examines whether the
association is conducting its operations in line with the objectives and activities specified in its
statute and whether its books, accounts and records are kept in compliance with the legislation
and statute of the association. The board submits the results of the audit in a report to the board
of directors and to the general assembly when it convenes. If deemed necessary,
The Board of Auditors calls the general assembly to a meeting.
Article 12-Sources of Income of the Association
The sources of income of the association are the following.
1- Annual membership fee: In 2022 an entrance fee of 100TL , and an annual fee of 100, 00
TL are requested from the members. These fees will be increased by 20TL every year in the coming years. . The general assembly has the authority to increase or decrease these amounts.
2- Branch fees: 50 % of membership fees collected by the branches are sent to the
headquarters every six months to meet the general expenses of the association.
3- Voluntary donations and contributions of real and legal persons to the association.
4- Donations and contributions of sponsors for projects that will be initiated.
5- Funds and contributions to be provided by international institutions for projects.
6- Income generated from activities organized by the association such as courses,
seminars, meetings, tours and entertainment, plays, concerts, sports competitions
and presentations,
7- Income generated from the association’s assets,
8- Donations and contributions collected in compliance with the regulations of the
legislation regarding fund raising,
9- Profits gained from commercial activities undertaken by the association to earn the
income required to realize the objectives of the association,
10- Other sources of income,
Article 13- Basis and Procedures for the Bookkeeping of the Association and Books to be
The books of the association are kept using the operation account method. However, in the
event the yearly gross income exceeds the limit indicated in the 31 st Article of the Law of
Associations, the books are kept using the balance sheet method as from the next accounting
When a switch to the balance sheet method has been made, in case the yearly gross income is
lower than the above mentioned limit for two consecutive accounting periods, the association
may switch back to the operation account method as from the year that follows. The books may
also be kept using to the balance sheet method irrespective of the above mentioned limit with
the decision of the board of directors.
In the event the association opens a commercial enterprise, the books of this enterprise are
kept separately in compliance with the regulations of the Tax Procedural Law.
Registration Procedures
The books and records of the Association are kept in compliance with the basis and procedures
stated in the Regulations for Associations.
Books to be Kept
The books that shall be kept using the operation account method and the basis to be complied
with are as follows:
1- Decision Book: The decisions of the Board of directors are recorded here with their
dates and number and the decisions are signed by the members present at the meeting.
2-Membership Registration Book: The identity information of the members and their
entrance and resignation dates are recorded in this book. The amount of entrance and annual
membership fees paid by the members may also be recorded in this book.
3- Document Registration Book: Documents, received and sent, are recorded in this book
with their dates and sequence numbers. The originals of the incoming documents and the
copies of the outgoing documents are kept in a file. The print outs of documents sent and
received through e-mail are filed.
4- Book of Fixed Assets: Acquisition date of the fixed assets of the association, the way of
acquisition and the places they are used or given to are to be recorded in this book. The ones
which are no longer used are deleted in this book.
5-Operation Account Ledger: The income received on behalf of the association and the
expenses incurred are precisely and periodically recorded in this book.
5- Receipt Registration Book: The serial and sequential numbers of the receipts, the
names, surnames and signatures of the members who have received or returned these receipts
together with the dates they have received and returned them are recorded in this book.
The books that shall be kept using the balance sheet method and the basis to be complied with
are as follows:
1-The books recorded in sub articles no: 1, 2 and 3 of article 1(a) are also kept in the case
of using the balance sheet method.
2-The Journal and the Ledger: The method and procedures for keeping these books are
based on the regulations of the Tax Procedural Law and the general notifications related with
the Implementation of the Accounting System published by the authorisation given to the
Ministry of Finance by this Law.
Ratification of the Books
The books that have to be kept at the association are notarised or ratified by the provincial
directorate of associations before starting to be used. These books are used until all their pages
are completed and there is no interim validation. However, books kept in the balance sheet
method or books with forms or continuous forms have to be ratified every year during the last
month preceding the year they shall be used.
Creating the Statement of Income and Balance Sheet
In the event the books are kept using the operation account method, an “Operation Account
Statement” (Specified in Addendum 16 of Regulations for Associations) is prepared at the end
of each year (December 31). If, on the other hand, the accounts are kept using the balance
sheet method, at the end of each year (December 31), a balance sheet and an income
statement are prepared based on the general notifications related with the Implementation of
the Accounting System published by the Ministry of Finance.
Article 14-Procedures for the Income and Expenses of the Association:
The association income is collected by a “Certificate of Receipt” (the sample of which is given in
Addendum 17 of the Regulations for Associations). In cases where the association income is
collected through the intermediary of banks, documents such as bank receipts or statements of
account substitute the certificates of receipt.
The association expenses are documented with expense documents such as invoices, retail
sales receipts and self-employment invoices. However, for the payments of the association
under the scope of article 94 of the Income Tax Law, a note of expenses in accordance with the
provisions of the Tax Procedure Law is issued. For payments which are not in this scope, an
“Expense Voucher” (the sample of which is given in Addendum 13 of the Association
Regulations) is issued.
Free of charge goods and services rendered by the association to people, institutions and
organisations are executed with an “Aid In Kind Delivery Note” (the sample of which is given in
Addendum 14 of the Regulations for Associations). The free of charge delivery of goods and
services from people, institutions and organisations to the association, are received with an “Aid
In Kind Donation Receipt” (the sample of which is given in Addendum 15 of the Regulations for
Certificates of Receipt
The “Certificates of Receipt” (with the size and form shown in Addendum 17 of the Regulations
for Associations) to be used for the collection of the revenues of the association are printed at
printing houses with the decision of the board of directors.
Printing of the certificates of receipt, their checking, their receipt from the printing house, their
recording in the books, their handover between the old and new treasurers, and matters
concerning the usage of these certificates by the person or persons appointed to collect income
on behalf of the association, and the procedures for them to deliver the income collected are
executed in accordance with the related provisions of the Regulations for Associations.
Certificate of Authorization
The person or persons who are appointed to collect incomes on behalf of the association are
determined by the decision of the board of directors and their period of authorization is
specified. “The Certificate of Authorization” (the sample of which is given in Addendum 19 of the
Regulations for Associations) comprising the identification, signature and photograph of the
persons that shall collect the income is issued in two copies by the association and is confirmed
by the chairman of the board of directors. One copy of the certificate of authorization is
submitted to the Department of Associations.
Persons that shall collect income on behalf of the association can start collecting the income
only after a copy of the certificate of authorization issued in their name is submitted to the
Department of Associations.
On matters of the usage, renewal, return etc. related with the certificate of authorization, the
provisions of the Regulations for Associations are followed.
Preservation Period of Income and Expense Documents
In addition to the books, the certificates of receipt, expense vouchers and other documents used
by the association are kept for 5 years in the order of their record numbers and dates in the
books, reserving the rights for periods specified by special laws.
Article 15-Submitting a Declaration:
The “Association Declaration” (submitted as the Addendum 20 of Regulations for Associations),
regarding the end of year results of income and expenses related with the activities of the
previous year, is submitted to the local administrative authority by the chairman within the first
four months of each calendar year after having been confirmed by the association board of
Article 16- Obligation of Notification
The notifications that shall be submitted to the local authority are the following:
Notification of General Assembly Conclusions
Within thirty days following ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meetings, the General
Assembly Conclusions Notification (submitted as Addendum 20 of Regulations for Associations)
and its addenda, including the members elected for the boards of directors and auditors, is
submitted to the local authority by the chairman of the board of directors.
The following are enclosed with the General Assembly Conclusions Notification;
1- Copy of the general assembly minutes signed by the Council Chairman, deputies and the
2- In case a change in the statute has been made, the new and old versions of the articles of the
statute that have been revised, and the final version of the statute, with every page signed by
the board of directors.
Notification of Real Property
The real property acquired by the association is notified to the local authority by a “Notification of
Real Property” (submitted as Addendum 26 of Regulations for Associations) within thirty days
after the registration of its title deed.
Notification of Foreign Aid
In the event the association receives foreign aid, before receipt of this aid, “Notification of
Foreign Aid” form (specified in Addendum 4 of Regulations for Associations) is filled out in two
copies and submitted to the local administrative authority. A copy of the decision taken by the
board of directors regarding receiving aid from abroad, documents such as agreements or
protocols on this subject and documents such as bank receipts and statements of account
related with the bank account to which this aid has been transferred are enclosed with this
notification form.
Receiving financial aid through the intermediary of banks and fulfilling the condition of
notification before the utilization of the aid is obligatory.
Notification of Common Projects with State Institutions and Organizations
In cases where the association carries out projects related with the subjects of its scope of
activities in cooperation with state institutions and organizations, a copy of the protocol and a
copy of the project are submitted to the governor’s office in the region of the headquarters of the
association enclosed with a “Project Notification” (shown in Addendum 23 of Regulations for
Associations) within one month following the date of the protocol.
Notification of Changes
For changes of the residential area of the association, “Notification of Change in Residential
Area” (specified in Addendum 24 of Regulations for Associations) and for changes made to the
association organs outside the meeting of the general assembly, “Notification of Change in
Association Organs” (specified in Addendum 25 of Regulations for Associations) are filled out
and submitted to the local authority within thirty days after the change. Changes made to the
association statute are notified to the local authority within thirty days after the general assembly
meeting, enclosed with the notification of general assembly conclusions.
Article 17-The Internal Auditing of the Association
Internal auditing can be carried out by the general assembly, board of directors and board of
auditors as well as independent auditing organizations. Having the auditing executed by the
general assembly, board of directors or an independent auditing organization does not release
the board of auditors from their obligation.
The board of auditors audit the association at least once a year. When deemed necessary, the
general assembly or the board of directors can carry out an audit or have an independent
organization audit the association.
Article 18- Loan Procedures of the Association
The association can obtain a loan in case deemed necessary for the realization of its objectives
and for carrying out its activities upon the decision of the board of directors. This loan can be in
cash as well as by purchase of goods and services on credit or by letter of guarantee.
However, this loan should not reach an amount that cannot be paid with the income resources
of the association and should lead the association to a financial burden.
Article 19- Establishing Branches of the Association
The association can open branches where deemed necessary upon the decision of the general
assembly. To this end, a founding committee of at least three people authorized by the
association board of directors submit the notification of branch establishment specified in the
Regulations for Associations and other required documents to the highest local authority of the
region where the branch shall be opened.
Article 20-Duties and Authorities of the Branches
Branches are not legal entities but function with duties and authorities autonomously for the
association objectives and services. They are an internal organisation of the association,
responsible for all credits and debts arising from all kinds of procedures.
Article 21- Organs of the Branches and Provisions applied to the Branches
The general assembly, the board of directors and the board of auditors are the organs of the
branch. The registered members of the branch constitute the general assembly. The board of
directors consists of five original and five substitute members and the board of auditors consists
of three original and three substitute members. Both boards are elected by the branch general
assembly. The duties and authorities of these organs together with the other provisions in this
statute related with the association are applied to the branch as well, within the frame of the
Article 22- Time of Meeting for the General Assembly of the Branches and How They
Shall Be Represented in the General Assembly of the Headquarters
The branches are obliged to conduct their general assembly meetings at least two months
before the general assembly meeting of the headquarters.
The ordinary general assembly of the branches meet once every two years in February at the
date, place and time specified by the branch board of directors.
The branches are obliged to submit a copy of the notification of general assembly conclusions
within thirty days following the meeting to the local authority and to the headquarters of the
The branches are represented by natural and elected delegates in the general assembly of the
headquarters. The chairman of the board of directors and the chairman of the board of auditors
are natural delegates. For every ten (10) member registered in the branch, one (1) member and
for the remaining members whose number are more than 5 or less than 10, one member is
elected as a representative with a right to participate in the general assembly meeting of the
The delegates elected in the latest branch general assembly participate in the general assembly
of the headquarters. Branch members of the board of directors and the board of auditors may
participate in the general assembly of the headquarters; however, they cannot vote unless they
have been elected as delegates.
When incumbents of the branch board of directors or board of auditors are elected for the board
of directors or board of auditors of the headquarters, they resign from their duties at the branch.
Article 23-Opening Representations
The association may open representations in order to carry out association activities where
deemed necessary upon the decision of the board of directors. The address of the
representation is notified to the local administrative authority of the region in writing by a person
or persons appointed as representatives by the decision of the board of directors. The
representation is not represented in the association general assembly. Branches cannot open
Article 24-How the Statute Can Be Changed
Changes in the statute are made upon the decision of the general assembly.
For statute changes to be made in the general assembly, a majority of 2/3 of members with a
right to participate and vote in the general assembly is sought. In the event the meeting is
postponed due to the absence of majority, majority is not sought in the second meeting.
However, the number of members participating in this meeting cannot be less than two times
the total number of members of the boards of directors and auditors.
The majority vote required for the change in the statute is 2/3 of the number of members
participating in the meeting with a right to vote. Statute changes are made by open vote in the
general assembly.
Article 25-Annulement of the Association and Procedures for Liquidation
The general assembly may take a decision to annul the association at any time.
For the discussion of the subject of annulment to be made in the general assembly, a majority
of 2/3 of members with a right to participate and vote in the general assembly is sought. In the
event the meeting is postponed due to the absence of majority, majority is not sought in the
second meeting. However, the number of members participating in this meeting cannot be less
than two times the total number of members of the boards of directors and auditors.
The majority vote required for a decision on the annulment of the association is 2/3 of the
number of members participating in the meeting with a right to vote. Annulment decision is
taken by open vote in the general assembly.
Liquidation Procedures
When an annulment decision is made by the general assembly, the liquidation of the properties,
money and rights is executed by the liquidation committee consisting of the members of the last
board of directors. The procedures start as from the date of the decision for annulment taken
by the general assembly or the date when self-annulment has become definite.
In all the processes within the liquidation period, the inscription “Herodotus Third Age Academy
in Liquidation” is used.
The liquidation committee has the duty and authority to start and complete the liquidation of the
properties, money and rights of the association in compliance with the legislation. This
committee firstly examines the accounts of the association. During the examination the books,
certificates of receipt, title deeds and bank statements together with other documents are
identified and their asset and obligations are recorded. During the liquidations the creditors of
the association are called and, if the association owns real property, the creditors are paid by
the sales of the property. In case the association is a creditor, the debt is collected. After the
recovery of debts and payments made to the creditors, the remaining sum of money, properties
and rights are transferred to the place specified by the general assembly.
All procedures related with the liquidation are shown in the liquidation report and the liquidation
procedures are finalized within three months except for the additional periods granted by local
administrative authorities upon a justification.
Following the completion of the procedures of the liquidation and transition of the association’s
money, properties and rights, the liquidation committee is obliged to submit written notification to
the local administrative authority of the headquarters of the association within seven days and to
enclose the liquidation report with this notification.
The last board of directors have the duty to keep the books and documents in the capacity of
the liquidation committee. This duty can be assigned to a member of the board of directors.
These documents have to be kept for five years.
Article 26- Omission of Provision
The Law of Associations, Turkish Civil Code, the Regulations for Associations related with these
laws and all provisions of other legislation related with associations are applied for matters not
indicated in this statute.
This statute is composed of 26 (Twenty six) article