MONDAY 20 December at 20:00 “Wasteless Kitchen” Zoom Conference (English)

Food waste is a highly visible and urgent challenge that is gaining importance worldwide. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 1/3 of all food produced globally (around 1.3 billion tons per year) for human consumption is wasted. Wasting food is not only an ethical, a social and an economical issue but it also depletes our environment of limited natural resources.
Our next zoom conference on MONDAY Dec. 20th, 2021 at 20:00 will be devoted to this subject. Sibel Cuniman Pinto will be explaining the reasons behind this world problem and the possible solutions based on her newly published book Kashkarikas: Wasteless Kitchen (Summary attached)
Gourmand World Cookbook award-winning author Sibel Cuniman Pinto is a chef, culinary instructor, researcher, lecturer, and founder of Action Kashkarikas Wasteless Kitchen Mission. As a World Chefs certified sustainability trainer, coach and consultant she educates and inspires people to eat real food, to reduce food waste and to keep a conscious and sustainable kitchen. For more details please visit  and